Hi-Opt I

The Hi-Optimum I blackjack card counting method which is also an abbreviation for "highly optimum" was introduced by Charles Einstein in the year 1968. Humble and Braun made some radical adjustments to the system, and made it popular in The World's Greatest Blackjack Book written by Humble.


Hi-Optimum I is essentially a card counting method that players use to give them a bit of a boost when playing long games of Blackjack. The objective of this system is to give players an indication about how many high value cards are available for the game. This becomes imperative because having 52 cards in a deck can result in not being able to visualize appropriately which cards have been dealt and which are remaining.

The High-Optimum I card counting method is targeted at the serious and professional blackjack players. This technique is more advanced mathematically and can give an advantage for the player, in comparison to earlier card counting techniques. Some blackjack players dispute that this small player advantage does not justify usage of a more complex system, whereas some players challenge this view and maintain that the Hi-Optimum I technique is a superior counting methodology. This system is based on using basic math using addition and subtraction of the number 1. To utilize this card counting method one would need to research and memorize the value associated with every card in a single collection of cards.

The point values are distributed on the chart as follows:

A:0, 2:0, 3:+1, 4:+1,5:+1, 6:+1, 7:0, 8:0, 9:0, 10: -1, J:-1, Q:-1, K:-1

The Hi-Optimum I system which has also been called the Einstein Count is very similar to the Hi-Lo Count method. The main difference is that in Hi Optimum I the aces and 2's count as 0 here.


Here the method of gauging card count is somewhat nontraditional as the running total is not employed here but the players are allowed to use extraneous things like fingers, feet or chips to keep a record of the aces played.

The veteran, Ken Uston recommends the practice of using one's feet in his renowned publication "Million Dollar Blackjack" for this purpose.